We quest for an expression of a scientific idea and its research result. A unique expression is a great source for new ideas.
Communications & Production Sector
Communications and Production sector work on making clear and beautiful expression of results of scientific research to enjoy the idea and share the essence with everyone. Science should be impressive as music and art to entertain people in society. No correct answer and routine method exists how to express scientific research. Therefore we select a research as the favorable target, think about it deeply by ourselves, discuss earnestly among staff and create the product collaborating with professional creators. Our activities are not to disseminate and raise awareness of science instead to generate a new idea in the field of science through expressing scientific subjects. To produce work with originality and beauty, that is the way to pursue an approach to think living creature. We study and develop various ways to present scientific research by using each characteristics, centering on the exhibits placed in the hall, quarterly online journal and its card version and combining with BRH homepage, original goods and events and so on. Our hope is what we are doing will lead to the establishment of a society based on living creatures. To learn more please contact from here.

Here we explore how various media can be brought together to express ideas and concepts in new ways.
DirectorHisato KONDOH,
Ph.D.ChiefMika HIRAKAWA,
Ph.D.ResearcherWaka SAITO
ResearcherSayaka NAKAI
ResearcherKaori OKUI
ResearcherSatoshi GOTO
ResearcherKo SAKAUCHI
ResearcherHidekatsu MURATA
ResearcherZhi-Hui SU,
Ph.D.Guide StaffKimiko WATANABE
Guide StaffMasako FUJIWARA
Guide StaffJunko MUROZONO
Guide StaffMie OTA
Guide StaffNobuko SUKETOMO
Biohistory Archive
We maintain a comprehensive archive of articles published within Biohistory Quarterly. The collection spans such related aspects as science, philosophy and art. It can be accessed via three approaches: The Biohistory Worldview; Biohistory as Told in Verbs; and Advances in Life Science Research.
A Concert Hall for Science Biohistory Research Hall is full of beautiful pictures and videos of the exhibits held by BRH that express – like musical performance at a concert hall – the stories about the history of living creatures and the way of living. You can experience the BRH’s view of the world throughout this book.
Papercraft downloads
Paper is considered to be the simplest medium of expression. See what you can do with paper and a bit of creativity! BHR papercraft began as a popular feature within Biohistory Quarterly.