Meaning of death is one of the most important themes of life. We think about the position of death in history of life based on the latest results of research about living things with the viewpoint of a man as human being.
The exhibition is based on a puppet show < Death and Regeneration -Story of living things->. This show is produced with stage settings, puppets, shadow pictures and a video (45 min).
In the puppet show, high school students who lost their friend from cancer think about the meaning of death through recollections with their friend. It is explained that how the death arose in the system of life by the latest research of death for various living things.
In the center of the room, the programed death of cell -Apoptosis -is introduced. Apoptosis is influenced by mitochondria which is the center of respiration. Please watch the movie of mitochondria and the course of cell-death by apoptosis.